16 August, 2009

Antigua Day 16

Antigua Day 16 - 16/08/09

As you can imagine we didn't feel too pretty the next day. For some bizarre reason Yaz woke up at the crack of dawn feeling absolutely fine. I woke at about 3pm to find that Tony and Angus had prepared for Hurricane Ana (apparently due yesterday, not that we noticed it in our sleep) and Hurricane Bill (due at the end of the week). I went for a sobering swim and we all headed up to Shirley Heights, except Yaz who had been hit by a hurricane of her own and was now paying for our previous night's antics!

Shirley Heights is an old look out, built by Lord Nelson (you know the fella standing on a pole in Trafalgar Square - he's been standing there longer that David Blaine could).

It is a vantage point that has views stretching across English and Falmouth Harbour as well as far out to sea and across the north coast of Antigua a few miles away. Needless to say the views were stunning and it is only a shame that a photograph cannot do it justice.

In addition to the spectacular panoramics we were entertained with an incredibly synchronised steel drum band, dancing and beer. Street vendors stood by flogging us, but not hassling us, with miniature steel drums, maracas and jewelry.

Although a very over-touristy event, it was amazing to experience such magnificent sights and sounds... despite bumping into the occasional lobster look-a-like foreigner!

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