24 September, 2009
They call him the naked guy, watch the video and you'll see why...
17 September, 2009
Black Books
06 September, 2009
The Great River Race

03 September, 2009
Great River Race - Part 1
01 September, 2009
Italy Day 12
'Goodbye Sun!!'
Spent this morning packing our bags and squeezing in a bit of sun and swimming at the pool before getting a cab to the station. At the station we picked up a bus, taking an hour and a half to Napoli Aeroport. We got the bus because previously on our way from the airport we had taken the Circumvesiviana Train and hated it.
The train was long, hot and sweaty. Mind you it was cheap. It had cost us €3 to get from the Airport to the Train Station and then another €3 to get from Napoli Central Station to Sorrento. This time we were all a lot happier to get the bus which took a bit longer than the train and cost a little more (€10) but was SO much more pleasurable! IT was cooler than the train, with air-conditioning and it had the most spectacular views from the cliff tops. We could see across the bay of Naples towards Sorrento and Mt. Vesuvius looked mighty from the bottom.
I'd recommend taking the bus to anyone traveling from Naples Airport to Sorrento. Try to get a seat on the right hand side of the bus for the best views and have your camera handy!
Our flight took us right over the volcano crater of Mt. Vesuvius and stopped in Milan for 3 hours before continuing on to London.
31 August, 2009
Italy Day 11
'Sun and Sea and back again'
Today we woke up early and walked down the steep cliff paths to get to Marina Piccola at the other end of Sorrento from where we're staying. Here we picked up a boat tour to Amalfi, via Capri Island and Positano. This stretch of coastline has the most gorgeous cliff face scenery and from the water we could see the underside of the overhanging roads, clinging to the rock high above. Perhaps if we'd seen the roads from this angle we would have had second thought about driving along them a few days earlier in a heavy bus!

30 August, 2009
Italy Day 10
We did want to hire a boat and drive to Capri today but decided it would be a little too expensive... something I REALLY regret because for €130 we could have had a full day out on the Mediterranean with the sun on our faces and wind in our hair! :(
Instead we explored parts of the town we hadn't seen before, ate the nicest Spaghetti Carbonara and made friends with a cat. The cat's called Milky - it likes milk.